So I've started a new practice along with this training mission. Each week, I am writing a list of goals and putting it up on the fridge. It usually includes the total number of miles I plan to run in that week, other workouts that I want to fit in, and at the bottom of the list each week it says, "ONE GOOD DEED." I want to remember that while I'm so focused on this running, training, and the rest of my busy life, it is sometimes good to think about people other than myself. In my line of work, we are always encouraging people to put themselves first. I can't tell you the number of times I have said to my patients, "You can't be a good parent [friend, employee, etc.] if you don't take care of yourself and make your mental and physical wellness your top priority." I strongly believe that.
But, I also believe that mental wellness sometimes comes from giving a part of yourself to others in an effort to help them achieve wellness of their own. Let's face it, giving, donating, volunteering. . . .they all have a two fold effect. You make the other person happy and someone benefits from your generosity. But you can also learn so much about yourself by feeling appreciated and seeing that you do have something to offer to other people.
Good deeds don't have to be a big deal. There was one week that I brought a giant bag of popcorn to work to share with my co-workers. (The Dairy Queen in Neenah has the BEST popcorn.) People enjoyed it and we were all happy. If any co-workers missed it and you are reading now, sorry for your loss. The popcorn was awesome.
Other times, good deeds can be a very big deal. This week, I took a day off work to volunteer for Healthy Hobby Day at Princeton Elementary school. Although I am only a yoga novice, I was invited after doing some yoga with the cub scouts one night. This day in Princeton included six half-hour sessions of yoga with kids in grades K-5.
I had no idea what I was getting myself into. The kids were amazing, for the most part. They soaked it in, took it seriously, and tried everything at least once. Even the boys, who were a bit skeptical to say the least, really enjoyed themselves. It helped that Sam came with me and demonstrated all of the poses. They even enjoyed the crazy African music that I brought for the background.
There were a few trying moments. One fifth grade girl told me that she already had six pack abs and asked me if I ever did. (None of your business.) One sweet little girl shared that her family oven has been broken for a long time so they have to bake cookies in the pizza oven. (Apparently it works, by the way.) And of course, there were the show off kids who wanted me to watch them exclusively as they did each pose perfectly.
But when we were done, I got lots of hugs. I had parents who worked at the school coming to tell me that their kids can't wait to try more yoga at home. The school staff treated me like a queen. And that's when it hit me. . .I don't know who benefitted from this day more, me or the kids. I was there for the kids, but when I left, I felt like I had been given just as much. And that's what this "ONE GOOD DEED" thing is all about. It is inspiring and their are no losers.
Happy Holiday Weekend. Get out there and enjoy this glorious weather as it, too, has been a wonderful gift!!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Why, why, why???????????
It's a really good question. I was at a party last summer and had to leave early to get up for a 5k the next morning and one of my friends looked at me and simply said, "why?". "What do you mean?," I asked. And his question was, "Why on earth would you do that?" As I said, it is a really good question and it's one that I ask myself a lot. There are many obvious answers but the real answer is not so obvious. Let's review. . . .
Obvious answer #1: To get skinny. Well, throw this one out right away. I'd love to be skinny but it's not working out so good. There are two parts to getting skinny and excercise is just one of them. The other one does not include alfredo sauce.
Obvious answer #2: It's fun. No, it isn't really that fun. It isn't fun when you are running a 5K and think you must be nearing mile three but then see a sign that says "MILE 1". It's fun at the beginning and fun at the end, but the middle can sometimes really suck.
Obvious answer #3: To be healthy. This is a good one. I do want to be healthy and live a long life. I hope I can run 5K's with my grandkids some day as I saw one grandfather doing with his granddaughter this morning. I have no desire to have a heart attack or take a bunch of blood pressure medication. I like to be able to run up and down the stairs without having to catch my breath.
Obvious answer #4: The gear. I suppose I could walk in this gear or do other excercise in it. But somehow this gear gets me all fired up.
The truth. The truth is hard to explain. As a kid, I was not an athlete. I was a nail polisher, a dancer, a slumber partier, a boy chaser, a sun bather. I played little league but wanted to puke before every game. I still can't catch, or throw for that matter. I cried on mile run day in gym class. I came in last every time, usually walking. I honestly believed, until last year, that I COULD NOT run. I am in awe of myself every time I do. So that is why I run. I run because I CAN!
At the end of every run I think about that girl I used to be and I shake my head and wonder where this woman came from. It's hard to believe, really, that I can do this. It makes me wonder what else I can do and that is super exciting!
Obvious answer #1: To get skinny. Well, throw this one out right away. I'd love to be skinny but it's not working out so good. There are two parts to getting skinny and excercise is just one of them. The other one does not include alfredo sauce.
Obvious answer #2: It's fun. No, it isn't really that fun. It isn't fun when you are running a 5K and think you must be nearing mile three but then see a sign that says "MILE 1". It's fun at the beginning and fun at the end, but the middle can sometimes really suck.
Obvious answer #3: To be healthy. This is a good one. I do want to be healthy and live a long life. I hope I can run 5K's with my grandkids some day as I saw one grandfather doing with his granddaughter this morning. I have no desire to have a heart attack or take a bunch of blood pressure medication. I like to be able to run up and down the stairs without having to catch my breath.
Obvious answer #4: The gear. I suppose I could walk in this gear or do other excercise in it. But somehow this gear gets me all fired up.
The truth. The truth is hard to explain. As a kid, I was not an athlete. I was a nail polisher, a dancer, a slumber partier, a boy chaser, a sun bather. I played little league but wanted to puke before every game. I still can't catch, or throw for that matter. I cried on mile run day in gym class. I came in last every time, usually walking. I honestly believed, until last year, that I COULD NOT run. I am in awe of myself every time I do. So that is why I run. I run because I CAN!
At the end of every run I think about that girl I used to be and I shake my head and wonder where this woman came from. It's hard to believe, really, that I can do this. It makes me wonder what else I can do and that is super exciting!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
"Ad" it up
I am a sucker for commercials. If a product has a good commercial, I will try it or buy it. Marketing agencies and the people who hire them love people like me. Companies like Nike, Gap, Target, and Menards have been getting my business for years. Who doesn't know and love the Menards jingle? Come on, it's genius! Have you heard the new radio spots for Michigan Travel? A soothing voice paints a picture of gorgeous scenery and nostaglic summer nights, camping under brilliant stars. I am packing tomorrow. Upper Michigan, here I come!!!!
On the flip side, if I don't like your commercial, you better watch out. Recently a health care corporation in Green Bay was promoting their Birthing Center, using a man as a spokesperson. I didn't get it at all. What does a man know about a place to give birth? How does he know what a woman needs to feel comfortable while she pushes another human through her birth canal? He wasn't a doctor or anything. . . . . just a man. . . . promoting a birthing center. I see he is now starring in their cardiac care commercials. If I ever see him in the birthing center again, his next stop might be the trauma unit.
So what does this have to do with my running blog? A lot. As I've mentioned, many times, I love Gatorade. I have a blueberry-pomegranite G2 in the fridge right now as my reward for running later today. YAY! The new Gatorade ads are very exciting. If you haven't seen them or missed my blog last week, they are promoting a new three step fueling system for athletes. As a loyal Gatorade drinker and commercial watcher, I found it important for me to run out and try this system immediately.
Step one, check out the packaging. It's cool. Typical Gatorade stuff, the lightening bolt, etc. Very good. Next step, read the label. Uh-oh. Here's where it started to fall apart for me. The gel is basically sugar and vitamin B. I didn't try it or buy it because it costs a lot and has a whole bunch of calories. Part 2 is the Gatorade I know and love. Any flavor, original or G2, they now call it "Performance", meant to rehydrate during activity. The final product, part 3, is "Recovery". It is a thicker, syrupy Gatorade with added protien. Sam wanted to try it, so I did buy one bottle of lemon lime. I'm very sorry Gatorade, but it was gross. It tastes like medicine. I could barely choke down one sip. It also has a lot of calories. When I added it all up, the total amount of calorie intake from the whole 3 part system was more calories than I would burn in my average 3 mile run.
So, despite a great advertising campaign, I cannot endorse this new Gatorade system. If you run a half or a full marathon, or you are a HARD CORE athlete, this might be a good system for you. Well, if you can choke down the Recovery drink. Myself, I'm sticking with a banana, G2, and a small glass of skim chocolate milk. Have you SEEN those chocolate milk commercials????
On the flip side, if I don't like your commercial, you better watch out. Recently a health care corporation in Green Bay was promoting their Birthing Center, using a man as a spokesperson. I didn't get it at all. What does a man know about a place to give birth? How does he know what a woman needs to feel comfortable while she pushes another human through her birth canal? He wasn't a doctor or anything. . . . . just a man. . . . promoting a birthing center. I see he is now starring in their cardiac care commercials. If I ever see him in the birthing center again, his next stop might be the trauma unit.
So what does this have to do with my running blog? A lot. As I've mentioned, many times, I love Gatorade. I have a blueberry-pomegranite G2 in the fridge right now as my reward for running later today. YAY! The new Gatorade ads are very exciting. If you haven't seen them or missed my blog last week, they are promoting a new three step fueling system for athletes. As a loyal Gatorade drinker and commercial watcher, I found it important for me to run out and try this system immediately.
Step one, check out the packaging. It's cool. Typical Gatorade stuff, the lightening bolt, etc. Very good. Next step, read the label. Uh-oh. Here's where it started to fall apart for me. The gel is basically sugar and vitamin B. I didn't try it or buy it because it costs a lot and has a whole bunch of calories. Part 2 is the Gatorade I know and love. Any flavor, original or G2, they now call it "Performance", meant to rehydrate during activity. The final product, part 3, is "Recovery". It is a thicker, syrupy Gatorade with added protien. Sam wanted to try it, so I did buy one bottle of lemon lime. I'm very sorry Gatorade, but it was gross. It tastes like medicine. I could barely choke down one sip. It also has a lot of calories. When I added it all up, the total amount of calorie intake from the whole 3 part system was more calories than I would burn in my average 3 mile run.
So, despite a great advertising campaign, I cannot endorse this new Gatorade system. If you run a half or a full marathon, or you are a HARD CORE athlete, this might be a good system for you. Well, if you can choke down the Recovery drink. Myself, I'm sticking with a banana, G2, and a small glass of skim chocolate milk. Have you SEEN those chocolate milk commercials????
Saturday, May 8, 2010
A Friendly Competition
Welcome to Saturday! First a couple of updates on previous blog entries.
Have you seen the new Gatorade commercials? They now have a 3 step system. Gel for preworkout, hydration for during the workout, and a protien infused "recovery" drink for post work out. The packaging is cool, the marketing is great. I can't wait to run out and buy the whole damn system. Updates to follow.
Regarding the mailboxes in my parents' subdivision. The Lakes at Sable Ridge is no longer the safe, gated community it was created to be. They voted on the mailboxes and paid a tremendous amount for the winning box. But the mailboxes have not yet been delivered or installed. One neighbor threatened another and actually told him he better keep an eye on his dog. Now threatening the neighbor, I understand. But the dog? What on earth is going on down there?
Now let me tell you a story about a competitive husband. My husband was a track runner in high school. He tells me that he hated it, unless he won. And he made it his mission to win every race he ran so that he could enjoy the season. It is this kind of competitive spirit that allows a man who NEVER works out to just decide to run a 5K on a Saturday morning.
So a few weeks ago, he ran the Oshkosh 5K with me. We started out together, stride for stride. I told him that if he didn't want to go my pace, he was welcome to run ahead but he stayed with me. I thought it was nice. About half way through the race, he started huffing and puffing, wheezing, spitting, and sighing loudly. I was a little concerned but secretly excited. He was fading fast and I thought I might have a chance to beat him. I mean, after all, I work out all the time. I should be in better shape. I should be able to beat him.
But something in that competetive brain of his could not allow it. As we started the 3rd mile, he pulled ahead. Almost a sprint. What the hell? I kept my eye on him and sure enough, after about a quarter mile, he started to walk. This was my chance. I gained on him but he couldn't stand the thought of losing. He sprinted ahead and beat me by 20 seconds. OK, fine. I can handle it. I'll have another chance.
Today was that chance. The Sole Burner in Appleton. A 5K on a beautiful course to raise money for the American Cancer Society. A similar start, running together at a comfortable pace. At mile two, the asthma attack kicks in and my husband stops running. I looked back and he gave me the signal to go ahead. Ok, babe, you don't have to tell me twice. I kept going, a loud cheer in my head. I picked up my pace a bit, excited by the possibilities. But guess what? As we start the 3rd mile, he shows up next to me. He must have sprinted. "You Jack Ass" I yelled as people around us chuckled.
But his second wind didn't last long. The next thing I knew, I was again running alone. It was the last half mile and the end of the race is the "Hill of Hope", a painfully steep hill. I kept my pace, I didn't stop. I reached the top of the hill and could see the finish line a quarter mile away. Oh my gosh this is really happening. I started to pick up my pace, little by little as I reached the finish line. I can't believe it. I am beating my competitive husband, the former track star. I have worked hard enough to finally make this happen. I am neck and neck with a few other people and ran just fast enough to cross the finish line ahead of them. And just as I was about to cross, my wheezing former track star husband whizzed by me, beating me by about 5 seconds.
Well there are two ways to look at this. My first response was, what a jerk! Let me win, just once. This sucks and it's not fair. I work so hard. But the truth is, he won fair and square. He pulled out more in the final seconds and when I beat him, I don't want it to be because he let me win. I'm not even that disappointed because I ran my best, didn't stop, and was happy with my overall result. I had a blast running with my husband and coming so close to beating him. It was the most fun I've had running a 5K.
I don't know when I'm going to get him out there again but I have renewed hope. There will come a day that I will beat him at a 5K and the whole world will know about it, I promise.
Have you seen the new Gatorade commercials? They now have a 3 step system. Gel for preworkout, hydration for during the workout, and a protien infused "recovery" drink for post work out. The packaging is cool, the marketing is great. I can't wait to run out and buy the whole damn system. Updates to follow.
Regarding the mailboxes in my parents' subdivision. The Lakes at Sable Ridge is no longer the safe, gated community it was created to be. They voted on the mailboxes and paid a tremendous amount for the winning box. But the mailboxes have not yet been delivered or installed. One neighbor threatened another and actually told him he better keep an eye on his dog. Now threatening the neighbor, I understand. But the dog? What on earth is going on down there?
Now let me tell you a story about a competitive husband. My husband was a track runner in high school. He tells me that he hated it, unless he won. And he made it his mission to win every race he ran so that he could enjoy the season. It is this kind of competitive spirit that allows a man who NEVER works out to just decide to run a 5K on a Saturday morning.
So a few weeks ago, he ran the Oshkosh 5K with me. We started out together, stride for stride. I told him that if he didn't want to go my pace, he was welcome to run ahead but he stayed with me. I thought it was nice. About half way through the race, he started huffing and puffing, wheezing, spitting, and sighing loudly. I was a little concerned but secretly excited. He was fading fast and I thought I might have a chance to beat him. I mean, after all, I work out all the time. I should be in better shape. I should be able to beat him.
But something in that competetive brain of his could not allow it. As we started the 3rd mile, he pulled ahead. Almost a sprint. What the hell? I kept my eye on him and sure enough, after about a quarter mile, he started to walk. This was my chance. I gained on him but he couldn't stand the thought of losing. He sprinted ahead and beat me by 20 seconds. OK, fine. I can handle it. I'll have another chance.
Today was that chance. The Sole Burner in Appleton. A 5K on a beautiful course to raise money for the American Cancer Society. A similar start, running together at a comfortable pace. At mile two, the asthma attack kicks in and my husband stops running. I looked back and he gave me the signal to go ahead. Ok, babe, you don't have to tell me twice. I kept going, a loud cheer in my head. I picked up my pace a bit, excited by the possibilities. But guess what? As we start the 3rd mile, he shows up next to me. He must have sprinted. "You Jack Ass" I yelled as people around us chuckled.
But his second wind didn't last long. The next thing I knew, I was again running alone. It was the last half mile and the end of the race is the "Hill of Hope", a painfully steep hill. I kept my pace, I didn't stop. I reached the top of the hill and could see the finish line a quarter mile away. Oh my gosh this is really happening. I started to pick up my pace, little by little as I reached the finish line. I can't believe it. I am beating my competitive husband, the former track star. I have worked hard enough to finally make this happen. I am neck and neck with a few other people and ran just fast enough to cross the finish line ahead of them. And just as I was about to cross, my wheezing former track star husband whizzed by me, beating me by about 5 seconds.
Well there are two ways to look at this. My first response was, what a jerk! Let me win, just once. This sucks and it's not fair. I work so hard. But the truth is, he won fair and square. He pulled out more in the final seconds and when I beat him, I don't want it to be because he let me win. I'm not even that disappointed because I ran my best, didn't stop, and was happy with my overall result. I had a blast running with my husband and coming so close to beating him. It was the most fun I've had running a 5K.
I don't know when I'm going to get him out there again but I have renewed hope. There will come a day that I will beat him at a 5K and the whole world will know about it, I promise.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Well, last week I made a plea to all of my readers for help getting motivated again. I got some really nice responses and I am SO grateful to all of you who responded. There are two of you out there who gave me some great advice so I hope you don't mind me sharing. Both of you have my greatest respect for what you have accomplished as runners and so I really take your advice to heart. The funny thing is that, in not so many words, you both told me the same thing. You told me to use running as a reward to myself for the hard work I do, to be selfish with the time I spend running, and to never feel guilty when I take the time to do it. I love this quote from Dianna M., "Don't say I have to go running, say I GET to go running."
Each time I have been running since last weekend, I have gotten a little bit stronger and a little bit more confident. When I'm sore and tired and want to give up, I tell myself how great this is for my body and how lucky I am to be out running in the fresh air. I've also thought about these two strong, competitive women and how lucky I am to have them both as inspiration!
If this hasn't helped to motivate you so far, I have created a list of running DOs and DONTs to give you a little boost and advice.
DO. .. . . . .enjoy the song "Big Pimpin" by Jay Z
DO. . . . . . . .run like Phoebe from Friends
DO. . . . . .go to a nature trail for a change of pace
DO. . . . . . give yourself a pat on the back no matter how far or fast you run
DO. . . .. .take your 10 year old chocolate lab for a run, he still loves it!!!
DO. . . .force yourself to run a few hills. It hurts so good.
DO. . . . .know where a few public restrooms are along the way
DON'T . . . . . run with the sun at your back. The shadow situation is ridiculous.
DON'T . . . . .eat a FIBER ONE bar too soon before a run
DON'T. . . . . get upset if you have to walk a block or two or ten
DON'T. . . . .blame me if you're still a couch potato
OK, friends. Have an awesome week. I just ran 3 miles and I feel great. Even though the wind was blowing hard and it was too damn windy and my leg hurt a little and I picked a hilly route. Did I mention the wind? None of it mattered. I ran because I wanted to and that's a lot of fun!!!
Each time I have been running since last weekend, I have gotten a little bit stronger and a little bit more confident. When I'm sore and tired and want to give up, I tell myself how great this is for my body and how lucky I am to be out running in the fresh air. I've also thought about these two strong, competitive women and how lucky I am to have them both as inspiration!
If this hasn't helped to motivate you so far, I have created a list of running DOs and DONTs to give you a little boost and advice.
DO. .. . . . .enjoy the song "Big Pimpin" by Jay Z
DO. . . . . . . .run like Phoebe from Friends
DO. . . . . .go to a nature trail for a change of pace
DO. . . . . . give yourself a pat on the back no matter how far or fast you run
DO. . . .. .take your 10 year old chocolate lab for a run, he still loves it!!!
DO. . . .force yourself to run a few hills. It hurts so good.
DO. . . . .know where a few public restrooms are along the way
DON'T . . . . . run with the sun at your back. The shadow situation is ridiculous.
DON'T . . . . .eat a FIBER ONE bar too soon before a run
DON'T. . . . . get upset if you have to walk a block or two or ten
DON'T. . . . .blame me if you're still a couch potato
OK, friends. Have an awesome week. I just ran 3 miles and I feel great. Even though the wind was blowing hard and it was too damn windy and my leg hurt a little and I picked a hilly route. Did I mention the wind? None of it mattered. I ran because I wanted to and that's a lot of fun!!!
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