Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lessons from the Trenches

Well, I just finished 5 miles on the treadmill, which felt great since I had a tough week. My workouts started out OK, but then I hit Monday. Someone brought mini cheesecakes to work and then someone else set out a bag of peanut M&M's. Along with a nameless friend, I mindlessly ate those peanut M&M's as if they were the most delicious food in the world. But guess what? They weren't that great at all.

Then I had a couple of tough workouts. My ipod crashed during one of my longer runs. I thought Karen was dead. I struggled to run the miles and was forced to listen to Alex Trebec on Jeopardy. The next night, my shins were on fire. I was able to run only 1.5 miles and felt like a knife was stabbing my shins the whole time. AND, my son was upstairs alone trying to make his own pizza. So that workout was basically crap.

Then today, some magic happened. I read a posting on that talked all about how you can learn a lot from your tough runs. You won't appreciate your successful runs so much without them. My ipod was back on track. Karen is alive! And I'm not eating M&M's like they are chips.

I think the biggest lesson I learned this week is that I WILL get back on track. I can struggle a few nights and pull out a big run. Today was one of those days when I ran as if I have always been running. And I really believe that 13.1 will happen. And I can't ask for much more than that.

Have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. way to go Brooke, I know you can do it, the thought of Sam making his own Pizza brings a smile to my face
