Sunday, October 3, 2010

One More Week!!

Dear Friends and Readers,
10 months ago, I started this blog as a way to track my training for a half marathon that I am about to run in one week. When I started, I had no idea what to expect from the training or the writing. I have been surprised by both. The training was hard, much harder than I imagined. But it's the writing that has really caught my attention.

It started as a true running blog but has developed into something so much more meaningful to me. I can't believe how many of you actually read this every week and later comment to me in writing or in person. I am touched, truly, that you have read and enjoyed my work. I read every entry recently, to remind myself where this all began. There were obviously days when I was feeling more joyous than others, and times when the running brought out some deeper thoughts, ones that I have had the courage to share with you.

I have logged 550 miles training for this half marathon. WOW! Through that time, I have had several close encounters and have learned where many public restrooms are located. I can tell you a 7 mile route that doesn't include running up hills but mysteriously allows you to run downhill quite often. As for the encounters, they are ALL true. On Prairie Road, just outside Ripon, there is a farmette with some horses. One of them will run superfast circles as you approach. He appears posessed. Don't worry. He won't jump the fence and, after several encounters, he actually appears to simply be trying to catch my attention. Up ahead, there is usually a flock of wild turkeys. They are all talk. Stomp your foot real hard in their direction and they'll gobble off into the corn field like tomorrow is Thanksgiving day and they are running for their lives.

There are suicidal chipmunks on the Northwest Trail. I'm not joking. They will stand there and play "chicken". I have nearly stepped on them many times, but just as I approach they suddenly disappear into a nearby hole in the ground. Don't run down the sidewalk on the east side of Newbury street. There is a beagle who will choke himself senseless on his chain just to try to bite a chunk off of your leg. I think he has a sibling on Fenton street only this sucker is usually off leash. You have to hope his toothless, cigarette smoking owner is outside. Even that isn't a guarantee of your safety. I haven't been running on Fenton for a while.

I've seen deer, snakes, turtles, wonderful birds, and friendly dogs who almost stop me in my tracks with their smiles. None of these encounters can compare to what happens when you try to run through Menomonee Park in Oshkosh. In all honesty, the geese own this place. They mock you, tease you, dare you to stop. The stomping of the foot tactic that worked so well for the turkeys only encourages the geese to hiss and honk and command respect. Unlike the chipmunks, they won't disappear into a hole. Unlike the horse, they do not appear to be having fun. Only the man who lives on Fenton street has a chance with these fools. To make matters worse, there is no way to run through the park without stepping in their waste.

So this is it. One more week. I haven't decided what will happen to this blog when it's over. Honestly, I don't want to give it up, but it's future remains uncertain. It's something I'll have to consider in the coming weeks. But right now, the focus is on Sunday, 10-10-10. More to come. . . .

Love to you all,

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