Saturday, January 30, 2010

Trainers. . ..

In my quest for 13.1 miles, I have been working with a handful of trainers. Trainers are great because they teach you ways to exercise that help you to run faster and more efficiently and they motivate you each time you train together. They are easy to access and generally my trainers are not too hard on me.

First, there is Karen. She is the lady who talks to me through my Nike+ device on my ipod. Karen is good people. She's always really happy. In fact, even when she's had a bad day, her voice still sounds the same. She tells you when you are half way done with your workout and even counts down the last 400 meters of a long run. Personally, I think she sometimes stretches out that last 100 meters but that's what trainers are for, right? Also, Karen is big buddies with Lance Armstrong. When you run a really long distance, she has Lance pipe in and offer you a word of congratulations. I've only talked to Lance twice but, guess what, when I finish the 13.1, I'm guaranteed a visit from him!!!

Then I have Bob and Jillian. Yes, from The Biggest Loser. They are not as mean to me as they are to the contestants. But they push me very hard. I do Bob/Jillian videos twice per week. Now, I'm not talking about no Richard Simmons/Jane Fonda type work out. Videos have changed since that era, my friends. Bob and Jillian aim to kill you in these workouts. Even in the Yoga video, you approach death before completion. The COOL DOWN is a killer. That isn't fair.

I still don't have help with my diet. I enjoyed a Snickers with Almonds this week among other things NOT listed in the "Nutrition for Runners" guide book. But I did run 14 miles total and plan to bump that up next week.

Thanks for reading. . . . .get out there and do some running. Maybe Lance Armstrong will talk to you too!

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