Saturday, February 13, 2010

How I Love Gear

So this is kind of like the "Brooke's Choice" awards for running gear. Keep in mind, I'm no expert. My gear choices are based completely on personal experience. My gear is often chosen because it comes in a pretty package or was marketed well. I'm not getting paid endorsements (although they are welcome if any Nike execs are reading).

So let's start with the obvious, shoes. I run only in New Balance. I love them and I highly recommend getting properly fitted for running shoes by someone who knows what they are doing. This prevents spending hundreds of dollars just taking a guess. I know this from experience spending hundreds of dollars.

When it comes to clothing, however, I am all about Nike. Great colors, great fit. I love my Nike clothing so much that some of it has just become a regular part of my wardrobe. I love shopping at the Nike outlet so much that when I finish the 1/2 marathon and someone asks me what I will do now, I will shout, "I'm going to Nike!!!!" much like the Superbowl champs and their shouts out to Disneyland.

Best accessories. This is a two part award. The ipod is a must. I can't run without music. Seriously, my legs won't move. Along with the ipod comes the Nike+ which plugs into your ipod. It connects to a chip that is attached to your shoe and allows you to track your speed and distance. This is how I met Karen and you know how tight we are.

Best web sites. Well, when you have this magic Nike+, the little guys in your computer will automatically connect you to the Nike+ web site when you plug your ipod in. The Nike+ web site helps you set fitness goals, tracks all your workouts, and basically makes you feel good about yourself. The other web site that I love is It is facebook for runners and other athletes and is basically just fun. is the best site for finding runs in your area and registering for many of them as well. They also post good articles about fitness and training.

Best friend. Roundy's ibuprofen. Enough said.

Things I do NOT recommend. Scales, mirrors, hanging on to small clothes hoping to fit into them later, a running partner who can run a 5K in 15 minutes. These things are out there to hurt you and make you feel bad about yourself. Turn and run if someone offers these things to you.

So, I'm about to pour myself into my Nike wardrobe, New Balance shoes, and don the ipod. I've got miles to run to meet this week's goal. Hope you all have a great week too!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brooke
    I hope your run went well Saturday.
    Good point about the shoes.
